Message from
ku4a at
Wednesday, 30-Aug-17 19:28:04 GMTHere are frequencies on which amateur radio operators are conducting emergency communications in response to hurricane Harvey:
3.873.00 LSB Texas ARES
3.910.00 LSB Central Texas Emergency
3.935.00 LSB Texas ARES Health & Welfare
3.955.00 LSB South Texas Emergency
3.975.00 LSB Texas RACES Alternate
7.240.00 LSB Texas Emergency
7.248.00 LSB Texas RACES Primary
7.250.00 LSB Texas Emergency
7.273.00 LSB Texas ARES Alternate
7.285.00 LSB Texas ARES Emergency Day
7.290.00 LSB Texas ARES Health & Welfare
Message from
Kai at
Saturday, 02-Sep-17 06:11:52 GMTThanks for those, are the US media and Government giving appropriate thanks to amateur radio for their efforts?
Message from
ku4a at
Saturday, 02-Sep-17 20:20:06 GMTI have seen several mentions in the media, and I expect there will be more once the worst of the emergency is over.
Message from
Kai at
Sunday, 03-Sep-17 08:09:06 GMTHaven't see any coverage or acknowledgement in Australian media yet, same as when there's a natural disaster down here.
Message from
geartow at
Saturday, 09-Sep-17 01:17:21 GMTdo we have frequancys for florida?
Message from
Monday, 04-Nov-19 09:09:02 GMTthanks for those useful information