Message from
henk at
Sunday, 20-Sep-09 08:48:14 GMTDokkum DX-2 is close down
it is not used a lot so i decided to close it
greetings Henk
Message from
Herz at
Sunday, 20-Sep-09 10:27:09 GMTThat's sad, everytime a radio goes, it's like losing resources, if not like losing a friend.
Farewell Dokkum DX-2, hope to see you back one day despite Top-List numbers. :(
Message from
Sunday, 20-Sep-09 14:24:04 GMTGoodbye Dokkum DX-2... it's sad to know :(.
Hope that one day, it could be back online and more people can take interest of this receiver :).
Message from
henk at
Sunday, 20-Sep-09 17:36:18 GMThello all thanks for the reaction ofcourse stay,s dokkum dx online
and also the 1512 khz lowpower am is on air at several times
greetings henk
Message from
Calico at
Monday, 21-Sep-09 13:23:48 GMTSad to see DX-2 close down Henk. Tried to use Dokkum DX earlier, but was not online. Hope all is OK ?
73, Tim